
Last date of submission: 15th August 2018
Please mention only one category of your choice
Opportunistic Infections
Anti-Retroviral Therapy
Research and Future Remedies

Call for Abstract Submission ASICON 2018
1. The abstract must be in English with not more than 250 words. Care must be taken when typing the submission, which will be directly photo-printed in the conference      proceeding. Please use doc, docx . Font size should be no less than 11.
2. Title should not be more than 85 characters including spaces, must NOT be in capital letters. The name of authors should follow immediately under the title, in one line. Type      initials and family name of authors in BLOCK letters and underline the presenter. DO NOT include degrees or professional designations. The name of institution, city and country      should be in lower case, following immediately after the authors, on a different line.
3. Rule of two -Maximum of two abstracts will be accepted from one presenter.
4. Leave one line between the title / authors / institution block and the body of the abstract.
5. Abstracts should be structured under following headings
a) Aims/Objectives b) Materials/Methods c) Results/Discussion d) Conclusions
6. It is not desirable to simply state: like “The results will be discussed”
7. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special/unusual abbreviation in brackets after full
    word the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.
8. Do not include graphs and references in the abstract.
9. Use single-line vertical spacing and leave one line between paragraphs.
10. Online abstract submission is open. If unable to do so, sent a soft copy (by e-mail) to: before 15th August 2018.


1) Only registered delegates are entitled to present the selected posters/papers.
2) In e-mail correspondence, please mention 'Abstract' in the subject line
3) Abstracts will be reviewed and rated by scientific committee prior to final decision on acceptance.
4) Those submitting abstracts and/ or applying for scholarship, it is advisable to book your tickets in IIIAC right away, to avoid inconvenience later.

Few abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.

1) Abstract and Scholarship submission date: 15th August 2018.
2) Abstract and Scholarship Results: 31st August 2018.