Abstract Submission Guidelines
The ASICON 2019 welcomes submission of abstracts for original contribution and to
encourage work that introduces new ideas, concepts and research, deepens understanding
in the field, and includes analyses of both successes and failures.
Please read the following Abstract Submission Guidelines carefully before submitting your
- Abstract submission closes: 30th September 2019
- Abstracts can be submitted only online via the Abstract platform on our
website www.asi-asicon.com submissions by fax, post or email will not be
- It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling,
grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the
- Plagiarism: The conference organizers regard plagiarism as serious professional
misconduct. All abstracts are screened for plagiarism and, when identified, the
abstract and any other abstracts submitted by the same author will be rejected. In
addition, the submitting author’s profile and scholarship application, if one has been
submitted, will also be cancelled.
- Ethical research declaration: The conference supports only research that has
been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local
committee on ethics in human investigation. The ASICON 2019 Scientific Committee
may enquire further into ethical aspects when evaluating the abstracts.
- Abstract submission process: Before submitting an abstract, authors must create
a profile. More than one abstract can be submitted through the Profile platform.
- Abstract structure: Abstracts must be only in English. Abstracts in all tracks, and
without exception, must be structured as follows:
a. Background: Indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the
hypothesis that was tested or/and a description of the problem being
analysed or evaluated.
b. Methods: Describe the study period, setting and location, study design,
study population, data collection and methods of analysis used.
c. Results: Present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings
and/or outcomes of the study. Please summarize any specific results.
d. Conclusions:Explain the significance of your findings and/or outcomes of
the study for HIV prevention, treatment, care and/or support, and future
implications of the results.
- Font : A standard font, for example, Arial, should be used when formatting the
text. This helps prevent special characters from getting lost or corrupted when
copying the text to the online abstract submission form. Ensure that you check the
final abstract with the system’s preview function before submission, and edit or
replace characters as necessary.
- Word limits: Titles are limited to 25 words. The abstract text body is limited to
355 words. The title or the body must NOT be in UPPERCASE.
- Recommendations:
a. Abstracts should disclose primary findings and avoid, whenever possible,
promissory statements, such as “experiments are in progress” or
“results/lessons learned will be discussed”.
b. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Place special/unusual
abbreviation in brackets after full word the first time it appears.
c. Do not include graphs and references in the abstract.
- The Scientific Committee makes the final selection of abstracts to be included in
the conference programme and any communication in regard to influencing an
abstract review will not be entertained.
Abstracts can be selected for oral presentation in oral abstract sessions or to be
presented as a poster. If you do not wish to make an oral presentation, please make
the appropriate selection while submitting the abstract.
Rule of two: Each presenting author may submit a maximum of two abstracts at
the conference. Should an author have more than two abstracts for submission, a
co-author must be named as presenting author for one or more abstracts.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting
(corresponding) author. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive
an email concerning the abstract; this author is responsible for informing all co-
authors of the status of the abstract. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted
will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract.
Scholarship application process: Abstract authors interested in applying for a
scholarship must complete a full scholarship application, available through the
online platform by 30th September 2019
- Only registered delegates are entitled to present the selected posters/papers.
- In case of any query, please write to asi.asicon@gmail.com and please include the
word 'Abstract' in the subject line